Don't Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC policy and procedures
Payment Policy / Cancellation Policy:
All payments for bookings are due prior to client’s departure date. We accept credit cards, local checks, and bank transfers.
By signing this contract, Client agrees to the Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC cancellation policy which is as follows:
Meet and Greet is $20/30min. If you feel like you need more time to go over your pets care routine you can book a 45 min visit for $30.00 plus tax.
Please email or text us at least 24-hrs before your meet and greet if you wish to cancel or reschedule. Failure to cancel in the required time frame will result in a $20 cancellation fee for a 30min Meet and Greet and $30- charge for a 60min Meet and Greet.
During non-holiday and non-summertime periods, please note the Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC cancellation policy is as follows:
8 or more days’ notice for cancellation prior to reservation: FULL REFUND GIVEN TO CLIENT.
4-7 days’ notice for cancellation: 50 % OF TOTAL FEE REFUNDED TO CLIENT.
During pet sitting over major national holidays and the summer period between June 1-Sept 10 or for pet sitting reservations that are longer than 20 days in length, the Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet cancellation policy is as follows:
15 or more days’ notice for cancellation prior to reservation: FULL REFUND GIVEN TO CLIENT.
7-14 days’ notice for cancellation: 50 % OF TOTAL FEE REFUNDED TO CLIENT.
Early Return to Home or Late Departure from Home:
Reservations are made to plan for sitter availability for Client’s reservation dates. Therefore, Clients returning home early or departing later than the reservation will be required to pay for the full reservation amount of time, regardless of whether Client returned home early or departed later than the prior reservation scheduled. No amount of money will be refunded to Client for early returns to home or late departures from home by Client after a reservation date has been agreed upon.
Last-Minute Fee (LMF):
Client agrees to pay a $20 last-minute fee (LMF) to Don't Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC for any reservations that need to be set up with brand new sitters within less than 72 hours.
Dog Walking Cancellation Policy:
Regular monthly dog walk Clients agree to give two (2) weeks’ notice should Client decide to discontinue regular ongoing dog walking service. If Client cannot or does not give two (2) weeks’ notice, Client agrees to compensate (Your Business Name) for what would have been the total for two weeks of regular dog walking service. (Your Business Name) agrees that should Client discontinue service due to blatantly poor care/service from walker for any reason, then this two (2) week notice addendum will not be enforced by (Your Business Name).
Solicitation of Don’t Sweat I got Your Pet LLC Sitters:
Client agrees that the pet sitter provided by Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC is employed through Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC and is contracted to work only through Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC and not directly through the individual Client listed above. Client agrees that all reservations for present and future sitting and dog walking must be made through Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC and not the individual sitter. Client is aware that the Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC sitter may give out his/her personal number to the Client. Client agrees to use this number only in the event of an emergency during which the sitter/walker is already employed directly through Don’t’ Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC for Client. Client agrees that this number shall not be used for any solicitation of future pet sitting or dog walking. Client is aware that should this contract be broken, legal fees and misuse-of-staff charges will apply.
Client Home Care Needs:
Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC is not responsible for wilted, dead or otherwise unhealthy plants. Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC sitters will work hard to follow written instructions as precisely as possible, but cannot be responsible if the results are not favorable to the Client. Please place all indoor plants together on a waterproof surface in plain sight as your pet sitter is not responsible for water-damaged areas or missed plants.
Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC is not responsible for damage to the home beyond the control of the sitter. This includes, but is not limited to: electrical problems, leaks, and acts of nature. All repairs to home and related fees will be paid by Client or fully reimbursed to Don’t’ Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC within seven (7) days of Client’s return date.
Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC is not responsible for any damage to the property or home of the Client unless such damage is caused by the negligent act of Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC.
Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC is not liable for any loss or damage in the event of a burglary or other crime that should occur while under this contract. Client agrees to secure home prior to leaving the premises. Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC will attempt to re-secure the home according to Client instructions at the end of each visit.
Client is responsible for pet-proofing house and yard and security fences/gates/latches Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC. will not be responsible for the safety of the pet(s) and will not be liable for the death, injury, disappearance or legal consequences of any pet(s) with unsupervised access to the outdoors or if Client has not initialed the section on this contract in regard to unleashed care of Client’s dog(s).
Pet Illness/Veterinary Care/Restocking supplies
Client is aware and agrees to the medical costs of any fees should they arise from animal(s) being ill or otherwise needing veterinary care. Client agrees to pay Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC the sum of $80/travel fee should the sitter need to take the pet(s) to vet. If the visit is an emergency visit to Central Maui Animal clinic the emergency fee is $100. If the sitter needs to restock supplies that the Client agrees to provide but that are not provided at the time of the sit (such as pet food or medication), Client agrees to pay Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC a $50/restocking fee.
Injury to Client animal(s) by another animal:
Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC and its contracted staff will not be responsible for any animal(s) that instigate fights with other animals or is injured by another animal while in Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC care. Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC will take all appropriate actions to ensure that Client’s animal(s) are not placed in the company of aggressive or violent animals and/or will immediately remove Client’s animal(s) from any animal fight.
Injury or escape of animals:
Client and sitter are aware that the highest level of care shall be given to any and all pets under care of the pet sitter employed by Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC. Client is aware that pet(s) are instinctual in nature and not always controllable by the sitter even when the highest level of care is provided. Should the Client’s animal(s) run away or be injured, the Client agrees that Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC will not be responsible for any liability. The above waiver of liability in favor of Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC shall not apply or be effective if Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC conduct in providing its pet care services is found to be grossly negligent, reckless, or if there is intentional misconduct.
Injury to Pet Sitter or another person by Client’s Animal(s):
Client will be responsible for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to pet sitter or other persons by the Client’s pet(s). Client agrees to pay the full cost of any and all medical expenses and damages should they arise to the Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC pet sitter or the pet sitter’s possessions as a result of the Client’s animal(s) actions. Client agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC in the event of a claim by any person injured by the Client’s pet(s).
Unsafe Pet(s):
This contract permits Don’t Sweat I Got Your Per LLC to use discretion to stop and end service at any time that Client’s pet(s) pose a danger to the safety and health of itself, other pets, other people or Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC sitters/walkers.
Off-leash Dog(s):
Some of our Clients request off-leash activity and play for their dog(s). Client is aware and agrees that the Client’s dog(s) may be off-leash in designated dog parks and other legal-for-dogs areas (e.g. fire roads, etc.) in order to provide maximum exercise and play for Client’s dog(s). Client agrees that should the Client’s dog(s) run away or be injured during the off-leash hike and play time, neither Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC nor Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC walkers/sitters will be held liable for any damages resulting to people or other animals or to the Client’s dog(s).
The terms of this contract apply to all pets owned by the Client, including any and all new pets that the Client obtains on or after the date that this contract was signed, at any and all locations the Client designates for service.
By signing this contract in Time to Pet - Pet sitting portal, a written agreement to the terms of Don’t Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC the Client agrees that he/she has read this agreement in its entirety and fully understands and accepts its terms and conditions.
Don't Sweat I Got Your Pet LLC Doggy Day Care Policy
Please read and review our Doggie day care policy before scheduling your pups initial evaluation
Daycare policy
No Exceptions can be made to this policy.
Male dogs over 7 months old must be NEUTERED. We do not accept female dogs on heat.
Must pass the evaluation interview. A reservation needs to be made for the evaluation interview.
Pre-paid packages are non-refundable and expire 4months after first use. This is non-negotiable and all fees are due at the time of pick up.
Vaccination record : DHLPP (D=Distemper, H=Infectious Canine Hepatitis, L=Leptospirosis, P=Parainfluenza, P=Parvovirus) OR EQUIVALENT. Bordetella (kennel cough) is required within 12 months of visit. It is the owner's responsibility to update your dog's vaccination record. Please make sure to turn it in before it expires.
Monthly flea/tick/heart worm prevention required.
The dog must always wear a collar or a harness with a leash attached when coming to the daycare.
There will be an additional charge $5 a day per dog, for any medications, ointments, eye drops etc. that your dog may need during boarding at ALOHA DOG.
Any health issues that your dog develops (including bite wounds) will be treated or the first available Veterinarian. If for any reason your dog needs veterinary care during daycare, we charge a $50 transportation fee within the Kulq district and $100 for further areas such as Kahului
If in any case the owner(s) is not able to pick up their dog, it is necessary for the owner(s) to inform us ahead of time the name of the person who will be in charge of picking up. They must show a valid ID at the time of pick up.
If in any case you do not pick up your dog during business hours, your dog will board with our boarding staff, therefore, you are liable for the boarding fee of $100 per night.
Late pick up fee after closing is a $1 for every minute you are late. Please notify us during business hours that you will be arriving late.
We have the right to refuse Daycare for any dog(s) depending on the situation.